Polly po-cket
How to Be a Healthy Teen Girl

Common tips for health will last a lifetime and help boost confidence. Here are some tips for teenagers who want to start and stay healthy.
1. Start off right with drinking more water. Keeping your body hydrated with several glasses of water a day will help regulate metabolism and purify your body. A good rule of thumb is to take your weight and divide in half to find out how much water you should be drinking daily. i.e. If you weigh 100 pounds, you need to drink half that weight in ounces (50 ounces) of water every day. This will also help you to urinate, which helps you lose weight and flush your digestive system of any foreign substances. Plus,it can boost your immune system.
2. Maintain a regular sleep pattern. The average teen needs at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep is a major factor contributing to how healthy you are. Getting enough sleep raises your alertness during the day, and minimizes anxiety.
3. Eat breakfast every day . Breakfast is the most important meal, because it provides your body with its first fuel of the day.
4. Avoid junk food. This isn't limited to just the foods served at fast food restaurants, all foods with limited to no nutritional value qualifies as junk food. Think of it as littering your body; your body can't do anything productive with junk food. Stick to healthy foods that are high in protein, vitamins and minerals such as unsalted nuts, dried fruit and small salads. your body will be able to use these things much better than junk food.

5. Replace unhealthy foods with healthy foods. You can replace white bread with wheat bread (also known as brown bread or wholegrain). Think about swapping crisps/potato chips to nuts or crackers, and sweets for berries/ dried fruits/bananas.
6. Exercise at least three to five times per week. Each time you should be exercising enough to work up a sweat for at least twenty to thirty minutes (preferably up to an hour). But don't limit your physical activity to your work outs at the gym: by walking/biking more places you'll get more sunlight, which boosts your mood, and you'll also get some less strenuous physical activity. Go for a run, a bike ride, or a challenging hike. If you don't like to exercise on your own, join a fitness club, find a buddy to work out with,(dogs are great ones!) or join a sports team. Keeping active will make you stronger physically and mentally.
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(c) Weight-loss.mobie.in 2013-14